Discerning God’s Will - A Lesson from Jonathan Edwards’ Life
It seems to be popular among some Christians to say, “God has told me...” about a particular area of their life, yet have no discernible, practical explanation of what they mean by that. It seems some use the phrase “God has told me” or “The Spirit has led me” as a synonymous way of saying “I feel Ike I should”. I think there is danger here as it makes the will of God a subjective exercise in human feelings subject to the dangers of sinful motivations driving a decision. While there is much more that could be said on this topic (in no small part the role of the Word of God), an example from the life of Jonathan Edwards serves as an overt example in the life of a godly man of what it means to listen to wise godly counsel in discerning God’s will in a particular situation. The following was inspired by and adapted from Chapter 5 "Keep God Central: The Life of Jonathan Edwards" in The Supremacy of God in Preaching by John Piper (Baker Books, 2015). (The books is a strongly ...