He Will Hold Me Fast

The Song - "He Will Hold Me Fast"

The song "He Will Hold Me Fast" has been used by God in my life in the past year as a powerful reminder of God's goodness to me and Christ's steadfast love for me. It is particularly convicting to me as it states truly what I fear and know to be true, namely, that I am not strong enough to prevail over sin and Satan and that my love for God too often grows cold. But it encourages me as well as it reminds me of the certainty that the security of my salvation is not found in my ability to perform works of righteousness; rather, my security is found in the sovereign and steadfast love of Christ who I have placed my faith in. My security is found in Christ.

I share a bit of it here with you in the hope that you will find similar conviction and encouragement from it. Originally written by Ada Habershon in 1906; it was updated by Matt Merker in 2013. You will find the full lyrics and a recording of the song on Matt Merker's web page.

When I fear my faith will fail
Christ will hold me fast
When the tempter would prevail
He will hold me fast
I could never keep my hold
Through life's fearful path
For my love is often cold
He must hold me fast.

Matt Merker - A Gifted Musician, Composer, and Worship Leader

If you are not familiar with Matt Merker, you would do well to become familiar with him. He is a gifted musician, composer, and worship leader. You will find more information about him on his web page, mattmerkermusic.com.

Matt explains the background of the song "He Will Hold Me Fast" in this video.

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