Songs I Find Helpful: It was finished upon that cross

 Part of my devotional life is listening to songs I find helpful to my walk with Christ, helpful in transforming me into the image of my Savior. In an on-going series of posts, from time-to-time I will post songs that I find helpful in my walk with Christ, songs I find encouraging, songs I find that express my own struggles, songs that express my own longings, songs that express my own lament. Many of these songs are songs that we as a body sing together, confessing our own communal longings, desires, laments, and encouragements for God, for Christ, for the gospel, for His glory.

As we approach Easter I wanted to share a new song from City Alight ( “It was finished upon that cross.” The song glories in the finished work of Christ on the cross “that we would be free from every plan of darkness, free to live and free to love.” It glories in and reflects upon the final of the seven sayings of Christ on the cross found in John 19:30, “It is finished.”

Let me encourage you to take sometime in the days to come to listen to the song and reflect on the significance and blessing of what Christ has done and accomplished for us particularly in His finished work on the cross.  Here’s the link to the official City Alight video of the song on YouTube:

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