Knowing God: Chapter 3 - Knowing and Being Known

Chapter 3 of Knowing God focuses on the supreme importance and blessing of not merely knowing God but being known by Him. 

The chapter poses some very big life questions:

  • What were we made for?
  • What aim should we set ourselves in life?
  • What is “eternal life” that Jesus gives?
  • What, of all states God ever sees man in, gives God most pleasure?
  • What makes life worthwhile?

The answer to them all: Knowing God! (John 17:3; Jer 9:23-24; Hos 6:6)

And then it goes on to point us to how we can and should know God personally, emotionally, intellectually, and volitionally by listening to God’s word, knowing God’s nature and character, doing God’s will, and rejoicing in God’s love and fellowship.

Yet in the final analysis it is not merely that we know God but that He knows us: “What matters supremely, therefore, is not, in the last analysis, the fact that I know God, but the larger fact which underlies it — the fact that he knows me.” (Ex 33:17; Jer 1:5; Jn 10:14-15, 27-28)

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