Knowing God: Chapter 6 - He Shall Testify

Chapter 6 of Knowing God focuses in on the importance and necessity of the Holy Spirit to our knowing God. 

Dr. Packer highlights that without the Holy Spirit there would be no...

  • gospel
  • New Testament
  • faith
  • new birth
  • Christians. 

So he asks how do we honor the Holy Spirit and His essential work in our lives:

  • “In our faith: Do we acknowledge the authority of the Bible, the prophetic Old Testament and the apostolic New Testament which he inspired? Do we read and hear it with the reverence and receptiveness that are due to the Word of God?”
  • “In our life. Do we apply the authority of the Bible and live by the Bible, whatever anyone may say against it, recognizing that God’s Word cannot but be true, and that what God has said he certainly means, and he will stand behind?”
  • “In our witness: Do we remember that the Holy Spirit alone, by his witness, can authenticate our witness, and look to him to do so, and trust him to do so, and show the reality of our trust, as Paul did, by eschewing the gimmicks of human cleverness?”

“[We must] learn in our thinking and our praying and our practice to honor the Holy Spirit.”

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