Knowing God: Chapter 8 - The Majesty of God

Chapter 8 in Knowing God focuses on the majesty, or greatness, of God. (Psa 93:1-2; 145:5; 2 Pet 1:16; Heb 1:3; 8:1; Psa 48:1; 95:3, 6)

Dr. Packer cautions us that “one reason why our faith is so feeble and our worship so flabby” is because we lack knowledge of the greatness of God. We need to have great thoughts of God and small thoughts of ourselves.

Dr. Packer prescribes two basic actions to help us develop our appreciation of God’s greatness:

  1. Remove from our thoughts of God limits that would make Him small. 
  2. Compare Him with powers and forces which we regard as great. 

A great place to start is to read and meditate on Psa 139

And also read Isa 40 and BEHOLD YOUR GOD!

  • Behold His tasks. 
  • Behold Him compared to the nations. 
  • Behold Him compared to the world. 
  • Behold Him compared to the great ones of this world. 
  • Behold Him compared to the stars. 

All of these show HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!

(Queue Chris Tomlin’s “How Great is Our God”...yes...go listen to it:

Every tribe, every tongue, every nation will confess how great is our God!

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